Hello. I'm a graphic designer currently based in Seoul, Republic of Korea. ︎ Hello. I'm a graphic designer currently based in Seoul, Republic of Korea. ︎

I specialize in graphic design, editorial and book design, art direction and developing brand identity. ︎I specialize in graphic design, editorial and book design, art direction and developing brand identity. ︎ 

존재 이유와 새로운 진화 :
사단법인 한국디자인단체총연합회
창립 20주년 기념
History Book


Park Youngsoon
Lee Sookja
Lee Miyoung

Kwon Yoonjung
This book was planned to keep a record of the activities in the last 20 years of the Korean Federation of Design Associations(KFDA). Even when the KFDA is better than 50 years, and even 100 years for it to be able to look back on the early days of pure appearance and activities.