Park Jinhan is a creative studio currently based in Seoul, KR. ︎ Park Jinhan is a creative studio currently based in Seoul, KR. ︎
We specialize in graphic design, printed matter and publishing, art direction and developing brand design. ︎We specialize in graphic design, printed matter and publishing, art direction and developing brand design. ︎
Park Jinhan
Park Jinhan
Selected Press
Designed page 1 of GRAPHIC #46
Selected Press
Designed page 1 of GRAPHIC #46
Designed page 1 of GRAPHIC #46
GRAPHIC #46 - Studio Directory
This is a story that includes the work and history of all 171 teams (individuals) of the members of the Korean graphic design scene. Targeting designers born after 1980, this is a list predominantly representing a generation that is distinct from the established or privileged, often characterized as a generation that is still growing or just starting out. Studio nature or size was not taken into consideration. In a sense, it focused not on 'selection' but on 'inclusion', allowing us to grasp to some extent the various facets of Korea's young graphic studios, each with its own unique approach.
This issue goes beyond introducing players active in the graphic design scene and aims to share thoughts on the rapidly changing design landscape for various reasons, and further intends to facilitate conversation and collaboration. Additionally, it holds significance as a record that showcases the ecosystem of graphic studios here and now.
한국 그래픽 디자인 신(scene)의 구성원인 모두 171팀(인)의 스튜디오 및 프리랜서 디자이너의 작업과 이력을 짧은 인터뷰와 함께 수록한 이슈다. 1980년 이후 출생한 직업 디자이너를 대상으로 한 것으로, 대부분은 기성 세대 혹은 기득권과는 거리가 먼, 여전히 성장하거나 이제 막 출발하는 세대의 목록이라 해도 좋을 것 같다. 스튜디오 성격이나 규모 등은 고려하지 않았다. 말하자면 ‘선별’이 아니라 ‘망라’에 초점을 맞춘 결과라 할 수 있는데, 이로서 우리는 제각각 나름의 방식으로 존재하는 한국의 젊은 그래픽 스튜디오의 면면을 어느 정도는 파악할 수 있게 된다.
이번 이슈는 그래픽 디자인 신(scene)에서 활동하는 플레이어를 소개하는 것을 넘어 여러 이유로 급변하고 있는 디자인판에 대한 서로의 생각을 공유하고, 나아가 대화와 협업을 촉진하려는 ‘기획 의도’를 가졌다. 아울러 ‘지금, 여기’ 그래픽 스튜디오의 생태계를 보여주는 기록물이라는 측면에서도 의미가 있다고 생각한다.
GRAPHIC #46 - Studio Directory
This is a story that includes the work and history of all 171 teams (individuals) of the members of the Korean graphic design scene. Targeting designers born after 1980, this is a list predominantly representing a generation that is distinct from the established or privileged, often characterized as a generation that is still growing or just starting out. Studio nature or size was not taken into consideration. In a sense, it focused not on 'selection' but on 'inclusion', allowing us to grasp to some extent the various facets of Korea's young graphic studios, each with its own unique approach.
This issue goes beyond introducing players active in the graphic design scene and aims to share thoughts on the rapidly changing design landscape for various reasons, and further intends to facilitate conversation and collaboration. Additionally, it holds significance as a record that showcases the ecosystem of graphic studios here and now.
This is a story that includes the work and history of all 171 teams (individuals) of the members of the Korean graphic design scene. Targeting designers born after 1980, this is a list predominantly representing a generation that is distinct from the established or privileged, often characterized as a generation that is still growing or just starting out. Studio nature or size was not taken into consideration. In a sense, it focused not on 'selection' but on 'inclusion', allowing us to grasp to some extent the various facets of Korea's young graphic studios, each with its own unique approach.
This issue goes beyond introducing players active in the graphic design scene and aims to share thoughts on the rapidly changing design landscape for various reasons, and further intends to facilitate conversation and collaboration. Additionally, it holds significance as a record that showcases the ecosystem of graphic studios here and now.