Park Jinhan is a creative studio currently based in Seoul, KR. ︎ Park Jinhan is a creative studio currently based in Seoul, KR. ︎
We specialize in graphic design, printed matter and publishing, art direction and developing brand design. ︎We specialize in graphic design, printed matter and publishing, art direction and developing brand design. ︎
Garden Life
Garden Life
Kim Yoojin
Kim Yoojin
Kim Yoojin
Suh Duen
Suh Duen
Suh Duen
When seeds are planted in the early springtime, they begin to sprout, and soon when summer comes, fruit vegetables become ripe, while root vegetables continue their silent growth in the ground. Butterflies and green frogs, who occasionally pay their visits, are the delightful friends for the garden life. All the footsteps and beads of sweat of the diligent gardener finally bear fruit, which leads to the great joy of harvest.
This is the beautiful landscape that I get to meet within my vegetable garden, the small world of my creation. In the moments that wore me down, touching the soil let me forget everything, and before I realized, my vegetable garden became the place of comfort and peace.
이른 봄 씨를 심어 싹이 트면, 이내 여름 뙤약볕 아래 열매채소들이 익어 가고, 땅속에서는 뿌리채소들이 조용히 자란다. 가끔씩 방문하는 나비와 청개구리들은 텃밭 생활의 반가운 친구들이다. 성실한 텃밭지기의 발걸음과 땀은 결실로 이어져 수확의 기쁨을 만끽하게 된다.
내가 만든 텃밭이라는 작은 세상 속에서 만나는 아름다운 풍경들이다. 마음이 무거울 때, 흙을 만지면 모든 게 잊혀지고 어느새 텃밭은 나에게 위로와 평안이 된다.
When seeds are planted in the early springtime, they begin to sprout, and soon when summer comes, fruit vegetables become ripe, while root vegetables continue their silent growth in the ground. Butterflies and green frogs, who occasionally pay their visits, are the delightful friends for the garden life. All the footsteps and beads of sweat of the diligent gardener finally bear fruit, which leads to the great joy of harvest.
This is the beautiful landscape that I get to meet within my vegetable garden, the small world of my creation. In the moments that wore me down, touching the soil let me forget everything, and before I realized, my vegetable garden became the place of comfort and peace.
This is the beautiful landscape that I get to meet within my vegetable garden, the small world of my creation. In the moments that wore me down, touching the soil let me forget everything, and before I realized, my vegetable garden became the place of comfort and peace.