Park Jinhan is a creative studio currently based in Seoul, KR. ︎ Park Jinhan is a creative studio currently based in Seoul, KR. ︎ 

We specialize in graphic design, printed matter and publishing, art direction and developing brand design. ︎We specialize in graphic design, printed matter and publishing, art direction and developing brand design. ︎ 

Feeling Before Seeing

Le Site Pigeon



Youngchul Kim, LCDC Seoul

Youngchul Kim's Photography Exhibition 'Feeling Before Seeing
First, it may be important to note that not all my photography projects go as planned, and this is one of them. The practice of taking photos, for me, lies between the unconscious and the conscious. When complex emotions and thoughts occur, I pick up my camera. The habit of looking through the lens and capturing something plunges me into this in-between, and it helps me try to process those emotions. I try to find something indisputable, something certain, to steady my wavering mind. In most cases, I don't know for sure what that indisputable thing is. But back then, I thought I wanted to capture hope. I tried to find some form of salvation. I tried to capture the sadness I felt; but most of the time what I captured was obscurity. Ultimately, I concluded there are things that, although difficult to explain, are ‘undeniable in their existence. A photograph expresses the complexly intertwined emotions one has when capturing a certain moment, but it also exists separately, independent of both the individual and time. It is in this that I feel liberated from those emotions. I didn’t realize it at the time, but through that liberation, my life continued on. These images testify to that.
Youngchul Kim, Photographer

김영철 사진전 «Feeling Before Seeing»
모든 사진 작업이 계획적으로 진행되는 것은 아니다. 나에게 사진을 촬영하는 습관은 의식과 무의식 사이에 있다. 형용하기 어려운 복잡한 감정과 생각들이 들어오면 해소하기 위한 방법을 찾아야 하는데, 사진기를 들고 어떤 것을 담아내는 행동, 습관이 나에겐 그런 방법 중 하나이다. 촬영을 하면서도 흔들리는 마음이 의지할 확실한 목적을 찾고자 했는데 그것이 무엇인지 대부분의 경우에 잘 몰랐다. 희망을 담아보고 싶기도 했고 구원을 찾기도 했고 슬픔을 담고 싶기도 했지만 모든 것은 그저 모호하기만 했다. 결국 나는 “설명하기 어렵더라도 존재하는 것들이 있었다.”라는 결론을 짓게 된다. 복잡하게 얽혀있는 감정들은 사진 한 장의 순간에 담겨 나와 같지만 또 독립된 존재가 되었다. 이것은 감정들로부터 해방되는 순간이다. 당시엔 인지하지 못했으나 이로 인해 나의 삶은 진행이 되었다는 것을 이 사진들이 증언하고 있다.
—김영철, 사진가