Park Jinhan is a creative studio currently based in Seoul, KR. ︎ Park Jinhan is a creative studio currently based in Seoul, KR. ︎ 

We specialize in graphic design, printed matter and publishing, art direction and developing brand design. ︎We specialize in graphic design, printed matter and publishing, art direction and developing brand design. ︎ 

Write a Review of Your Stay
숙박 후기를 작성해주세요

Retro Bonghwang

Result Report


Kim Dongyoung. Kim Yujin

"Write a review of your stay" means not only the daily life of six resident artists living and working together in a residency, but also showcases their experiences through their creative works. Living in Gimhae, they explore the unique characteristics of the local area and expand their artistic thoughts through various mediums to present their resulting works.

《숙박 후기를 작성해주세요》는 입주작가 6인이 레지던시에 머물고 동고동락하며 작업했던 나날을 의미함과 동시에 작업물을 통해 후기를 보여준다는 것을 의미한다. 김해에 거주하며 마주한 지역의 특색을 탐닉하고 그 속에서 확장된 작가의 사유를 다양한 매체를 통해 결과물로써 선보인다.